Microsurgical Vasectomy Reversal

Microsurgical Vasectomy Reversal is available using the latest microsurgical techniques. This can be performed as a day case at Spire Hospital Norwich. Stuart Irving has undertaken microsurgical training at the Northwick Park Microsurgical Laboratories where he successfully completed the British Association of Urological Surgeons Microsurgical Vasectomy Reversal Course in 2002.

This microsurgical technique has a number of advantages over traditional "naked eye" or non magnified vasectomy reversal. The success rate is better, particularly for men who have had vasectomy more than 5 years previously or who require direct implantation of the vas onto the epididymis (epididymovasostomy) where use of the microscope is needed to allow accurate placement of the delicate sutures needed. These sutures are a quarter the thickness of human hair and require delicate handling and fine instruments available using the microscope.

This procedure is available as a self funding operation for non-insured patients using the Spire Hospital Inclusive Care Scheme. The scheme provides a fixed cost for your surgery including consultants' fees, nursing care, accommodation, medication, after-care and further treatment that may arise if there are complications.

More details of this scheme are available from Spire Healthcare simply call 01603 255614 to request an information pack, a price for self-pay surgical treatment or to discuss your personal situation.



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Spire Norwich Hospital



01603 255507



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Stuart Irving is the trading name of Urology East Ltd, a limited company registered in England and Wales (Company number 11284661)